The Da Cheng Quan style comprises of the following elements: ZHAN ZHUANG (Standing) A series of standing meditations, many of which are unique to this style, eg Combat Pile Stance, utilised to develop inner-force or “Qi” in the body and promote a strong connection or “root” with universal energy. At our seminars, we will practice basic standing and some advanced postures, examining in detail the correct use of body weight and feet, hand, leg, arm, waist, shoulder and back positions. SHUI LI (Trial of Strength) Slow smooth movements, performed standing still, walking or stepping quickly with repetition to test or “trial” how the inner-force is moving in and outside the body. Training includes, amongst others, the following “Inner-forces”; Pushing, Lifting, Crushing, Wrapping, Pulling, Extracting, Spiralling, Coiling etc. MO CHA BU (Slow Mud Stepping) Slow stepping movements to practise body movement in the style and further build inner-force including Chicken step, Snake step, and Crane step in fixed stepping and free stepping patterns. SHI SHENG (Trial of Breath) Vocal exercises to open and relax the chest and body to free blockages to allow energy to flow. The deep resonance of Shui sheng, quickly assists to open energy pathways in order to absorb more natural Qi, and to be able to discharge (Fa Li) more effectively. FA LI (Inner-force Discharge) To practise in varying forms to discharge energy in a focused manner, once it has been built up in the body. Practised in various directions and different body movements. TUI SHOU (Pushing Hands) Similar to Tai Ji, but with unique movements to assist both players to test discharging, rooting, balance, sensitivity etc. Trained with one and two hands, either standing still, in fixed movement patterns, or completely free movement, forward, back and all sides. JI JI QUAN (Combat) Actual sparring practice, with no fixed patterns or drills - demonstrating how the five inner-forces of Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth along with animal styles such as Tiger, Monkey, Horse influence Da Cheng Quan Boxing. |